Conferência internacional sobre Indicações Geográficas


Estimados colegas,

Les hago llegar información sobre el Congreso Interancional sobre Perspectiva sobre las Indicaciones Geográficas, que tendrá lugar en julio de 2021 en Roma.

Un saludo cordial

Marcelo Champredonde


Third, thank you very much for accepting the invitation to be part of the Scientific Committee of the Conference.


As part of this Committee, you can either:

- support the organization of the conference including the elaboration of the programme based on the contributions received, the coordination and definition of the various sessions, the identification of the key notes speakers, the promotion of the conference in your network, the dissemination of the results of the conference, etc.
- review the abstracts (max 500 words) submitted by the scientific contributors in a topic of your choice.


To help us identify your particular role in the Scientific Committee, thank you for taking the time to fill out this short questionnaire.


Of course, being on the scientific committee does not prevent you from being a contributor and we warmly invite you to submit an abstract on the conference website.


If you have any questions or if you wish to resign from the Scientific Committee, please contact


For the Organizing Committee,


Delphine Marie-Vivien


Delphine Marie-Vivien, PhD

Intellectual Property/Geographical Indications and Food Law


Deputy Director UMR Innovation, CIRAD

73 rue Jean-François Breton, TA C 85/15

34 398 Montpellier Cedex 5 - France 

+33 6 720 783 69

